V entricles
S ections
S p in a l cord
Pathw ays
Segmentai structure of the spinal cord
Segmenta cervicalia [C1-C8]
Segmenta thoracica [T1-T12]
Segmenta lumbalia [L1-L5]
Segmenta sacralia [S1-S5]
Segmenta coccygea [Co1-Co3]
Radices nervorum
Fig. 600
Spinal cord segments, Segments medullae spinalis,
and spinal nerve roots, Radices nervorum spinalium;
schematic median section.
As the spinal cord does not follow the growth of the vertebral column,
the course of the spinal roots towards their corresponding segmental
intervertebral foramina becomes steeper from cranial to caudal. In the
neonate, the spinal cord ends at the level of the spinous process of the
fourth lumbar vertebra, whereas in the adult, it extends normally only
to the second lumbar vertebra.